
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Steve, Where are You?

Ok, first off, I am going to be the absolute first one to admit that I love computers. I love the programs, I love how they can make your life so much easier - work wise, I love how I can research ANYTHING, at any time of day or night, I love how I can save 20,000 pictures, yes, it's true, and call them up whenever I want to visit with them, I love how they keep track of my finances and plans for the future...........BUT I DON'T LOVE how they fail!

For the last 10 years or so a dear friend of mine, Steve Prater, took care of all my computer hardware needs. He fixed them, he treaked them, he installed them, he made them work! Last year he moved up to Washington and now I am on my own.....and today was the first of , I am sure many times to come that the system crashed and I was pulling my hair out to get it up and going. It's ok if I can't check emails, it's NOT OK IF I CAN'T RUN THE REGISTER!!!
So this afternoon after Jaime tells me, " I think it's making a chirping noise", (which I couldn't hear with these 50 something ears) I pulled it out and headed down to our local computer store to pick up a replacement part. Tomorrow, the saga continues..............was it the right part, will it work...............................
Like I said, STEVE, WHERE ARE YOU???

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