Preparing for our upcoming visit to them again this spring, I came across a folder that I had put them in when I returned last year. I thought I would include a few sites here that they had chosen for Spring of 2008. (I have checked those listed to make sure the URLs are still active.) With all the BUZZ'zzzzz about home vegetable gardening this year, it seems like the perfect opportunity to educate ourselves about pollinators and the importance they play in our gardens.
Celebrating Wildflowers
This colorful and photo-rich U.S. Forest Service site includes games for kids, teacher resources, and sections of general interest about native gardening, wildflower ethics, insects that pollinate, and more.
Pollinator Partnership Home
This site has a wealth of info that includes free educational materials and media resources, downloadable Eco-regional planting guides, a digital library, and bee keeping resources.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Pollinators
Info about endangered butterflies and plants, backyard habitats and pollinator gardens.
Pick the Pollinators Game - PBS / Nova Site
A fun, informative game with nice color photos and interesting tidbits of info.
Have fun browsing through these great sites, and send over any new ones you might find. I will include them in our link list. Happy Gardening, Susan
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