
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And the Winner Is.................

$286.00 ! ! ! worth of raffle tickets sold!!

Largest raffle yet!
We drew the winning ticket for our summer CAPS raffle on Labor Day. Camille, one of Jennifer Williamson's mastiffs even helped us. The tree this summer was a beautiful Moraine Ash, just like the ones that we have planted out front. Thank you to everyone that bought tickets to support CAPS. 
 And the winner is.....................

Posted by PicasaLinda D. !!!
Only fitting, as she is one of our communities largest animal supporters. Thank you again to all that bought tickets to support this great organization. Look for our next raffle to start soon.


Garrett W. Diegel said...

Just got a blog account and started to follow your blog.
Glad to see everything went well for the drawing. You guys do a lot of good for the community. Keep it up. Check out my blog if you get a minute too.

Rishu said...

nice pics


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