
Monday, November 5, 2012

Then.....and now

I journeyed into my side garden yesterday with the best of intentions. Sun shining, temperatures in the high 60’s, no wind…could this possibly really be the first week of November in our valley. I set out to clean up all the raised beds and turn the compost. Empty all the containers that I had lovingly filled with annuals in the spring. Rake the start of the leaves that are dropping their vibrant colors in droves. Arrange the new pots that I had brought home and fill them with tulip bulbs to burst in color in spring.
Like I said, I had the best intentions. I did get quite a bit of it done, but I seem to move a little slower now then I used to. Days past I would be in the garden sunup to sundown, never really stopping except to head in for a glass of water or check the machine for messages from those left behind working at the nursery. Now days I find I am finally able to start relaxing in the garden as well. I plant a little, I read a little. I plant a little, I read a LOT.  I move a pot or two; I sit back and see how I like the view. On one of these views from the comfort of my very worn and splintery Adirondack chair I started to see just how much the garden had changed in the short few months of summer into fall. I headed back in the house for the camera, in my head already visualizing how I wanted to capture the beauty of this moment in the garden. The days of blossoms and buds may be waning, but this later stage of the garden…isn’t it beautiful as well?

and now.....
 and now.......
and now.......


and now......



Kori Meyer said...

Susan - I LOVE THIS POST!!! And your photos are amazing as well! I think you put into words and pictures what so many of us are going through as the seasons change.

Sara K. said...

Maybe that is why I'm one of the only people I know who welcomes wrinkles and grey hair because you always taught me to value a creatures weathered life just as much as when it was new :)

Susan said...

Thank you Kori, it has been a lovely fall hasn't it? I have tried to hear your voice about "lighting" when I am looking for my view :} Would love some more "lessons" sometime.

Susan said...

To my sweet Sara K., Love you dear daughter of mine. You make my heart full.


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